The Nendels family in Gelderland

Consulting the White Pages of the Netherlands 73 persons with the name NENDELS can be found. This variant of the surname is only known in the Netherlands. 24 of these Nendels live in the towns of Kerkdriel and Velddriel, earlier known as Driel in the district Tieler and Bommeler Waarden of the Nijmegen province. Further 7 persons can be found in the nearest vicinity of Driel. From 1811 on the registers of births, marriages and deaths are registered centrally in the Netherlands. Seaching the online accessible databases reveals that persons with the surname Nendels were in the past recorded almost exclusively in Driel. The rapid spreading of the family in just a few generations is remarkable. Bemerkenswert ist die starke Ausbreitung der Familie in wenigen Generationen. The today living Nendels can be traced back to only four progenitors. Three of them were presumably born in Driel in the 18th century. They were named Gerardi (* um 1760), Willem (* about 1774) and Willem Gerardus (* about 1784). The eldest ancestor, Willem, was born about 1735 in Den Bosch and moved later to Driel. Up to now it is not clear if the other progenitors are his sons. It is now to investigate if an ancestor of the Nendels of Gelderland possibly immigrated from the Ore Mountain region.